Make it easy. Make it automatic. Here are our best ideas for keeping your budget on track. Plus, everyday budgeting heroes at The Motley Fool share their No. 1 piece of advice.
Matt C. has a confession: "When my friends start talking about investing I just nod my head and pretend to know what they're talking about... I'm too embarrassed to admit that I don't know the difference between a stock, a bond and a mutual fund." You're in a safe place with us, Matt. We'll help you - and others - hold your own the next time the topic arises.
Credit Score Facts and Fallacies: Your parents might not buy you ice cream for bringing home a good credit score. But a top-notch money GPA will get you favorable financial treatment (and pay off handsomely, to boot). We set the score straight on the mysteries, misconceptions and must-follow rules for stellar credit.
Forget New Year's resolutions (too much pressure!). Instead follow our five-point checklist (easy!) to set yourself up for a financially fit 2015.