When it comes to your history with money, you’ve made some smart decisions and a few mistakes. Sure, finance is personal, but don't keep it to yourself. Be a great example AND a horrible warning to your loved ones so they can benefit! Personal finance expert, Kimberly Palmer, joins us to talk about why you should write a letter to your kids or grandkids to share your money experiences. She’ll cover what to write and when to deliver it.
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For more than 15 years, analysts have been predicting that Brazil, Russia, India, and China—aka the BRIC—were going to take off economically and these emerging markets were the place to be investing. So what happened? Do they really deserve a place in your portfolio or are there better options? Joe Magyer, Foolish Fan Favorite, gives us an update on the BRIC and shares his strategy for getting international exposure.
Summer is over and as the kiddos head back to class, so do we with bite-sized money lessons in History, Econ, Math, and English. We’ll dissect the Dutch Tulip Mania, learn about three key ratios, explore the origins of the word “portfolio,” and more. We’ll also answer your question about how to weigh rental properties in your portfolio.
Should you max out your 401k or invest in individual stocks? Does it make sense to pay off student debt with a 401k loan? How can you make your dwindling funds last post-retirement? Is long-term care insurance worth it? So many questions! We have so many answers thanks to special guests Joe Perna and Sean Gates, financial planners with Motley Fool Wealth.